Riize sells more than 1M copies of debut single 'Get A Guitar'

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Riize sells more than 1M copies of debut single 'Get A Guitar'

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Riize sold more than a million copies of its debut single “Get A Guitar” during the first week of its release, the boy band’s agency SM Entertainment said Monday.  
“Get A Guitar” sold 1,016,849 total units in the first week of its release, making it the second-most-sold album by a rookie band on its debut album on the first week of its release. ZeroBaseOne holds the record with 1.8 million units with its debut album “Youth in the Shade” in July.  
The single also landed high on music charts worldwide, ranking No. 1 on iTunes’ Top Song chart and on the Top 10 chart in around 20 countries around the world and No. 1 on a variety of Korean streaming services’ real-time music charts.
Riize, consisting of Shotaro, Eunseok, Sungchan, Wonbin, Seunghan, Sohee and Anton, is SM Entertainment’s newest boy band that debuted on Sept. 4. Its members Shotaro and Sungchan debuted in 2020 as members of boy band NCT.
The name “Riize” is a combination of the words “rise” and “realize,” with the message of “making something come true” and hoping it becomes a team “that grows together and fulfills its dreams,” the agency said.

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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