Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup offers to resign

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Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup offers to resign

Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup attends a Cabinet meeting hosted by President Yoon Suk Yeol on Tuesday at the presidential office in Yongsan District, central Seoul. [YONHAP]

Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup attends a Cabinet meeting hosted by President Yoon Suk Yeol on Tuesday at the presidential office in Yongsan District, central Seoul. [YONHAP]

Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup offered his resignation on Tuesday.
A high-ranking government official said Lee made the decision to prevent any vacancy in case the Democratic Party (DP) impeaches him.
His decision comes during the DP's efforts to impeach him because of a controversy related to the military's investigation into the death of Marine Lance Corporal Chae Su-geun.
The incident occurred during a search and rescue mission in July in Yecheon County, North Gyeongsang.
Lee is accused of interfering in the investigation into the incident to vindicate top-ranking Marine officers, under pressure from President Yoon Suk Yeol.
The Defense Ministry has denied it faced pressure from the presidential office.
The initial accusations were raised by Marine Colonel Park Jeong-hoon, who led the investigation into Chae's death.
Chae drowned while searching for those who had gone missing during a heavy downpour in Yecheon County.
Marines on the search and rescue mission weren't provided with life vests.

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