Left-wing student activists arrested for attempting to break into presidential office

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Left-wing student activists arrested for attempting to break into presidential office

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A photo uploaded to the the Korean University StudentN Progressive Union's Facebook page on Friday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A photo uploaded to the the Korean University StudentN Progressive Union's Facebook page on Friday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Four left-wing student activists were arrested on Friday as they attempted to gain unauthorized entry into the presidential office complex, according to Yongsan Police Station.
Police said the four, who are all members of the Korean University Student Progressive Union, gathered in front of the presidential office in Yongsan District, central Seoul, at 11:30 a.m.  
The activists shouted slogans calling for a special counsel probe into first lady Kim Keon Hee before trying to enter the presidential office through the rear gate of the building that previously housed the Ministry of National Defense, according to police.
Police said they will investigate the students’ motives for their break-in attempt.  
The same left-wing student union was also behind an attempt in January to break into the presidential office. Police arrested 20 of the group’s members at the time.
Although prosecutors filed arrest warrants for 10 of the alleged offenders in January, all of the warrant applications were rejected on the grounds that the group had not planned to carry out violence collectively.

BY MICHAEL LEE [lee.junhyuk@joongang.co.kr]
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