Cramming for med school

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Cramming for med school

A poster in front of a private cram school in Gangnam, southern Seoul, on Tuesday advertises a curriculum for entry into university medical departments, with courses available for elementary, middle and high school students. After the government’s announcement to increase admission quotas for medical schools, there has been an increase in inquiries asking about medical school entry courses for elementary students, according to sources from the cram school industry. The government will publicize its plan to increase medical school admission quotas, implemented starting in 2025, on Thursday. [YONHAP]

A poster in front of a private cram school in Gangnam, southern Seoul, on Tuesday advertises a curriculum for entry into university medical departments, with courses available for elementary, middle and high school students. After the government’s announcement to increase admission quotas for medical schools, there has been an increase in inquiries asking about medical school entry courses for elementary students, according to sources from the cram school industry. The government will publicize its plan to increase medical school admission quotas, implemented starting in 2025, on Thursday. [YONHAP]

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