Ex-fiancé says Olympian knew everything including gender identity

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Ex-fiancé says Olympian knew everything including gender identity

The 27 year-old Jeon Cheong-jo, the former fiance to Olympian fencer Nam Hyun-hee, in an interview with Channel A, a broadcaster, that was aired on Monday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

The 27 year-old Jeon Cheong-jo, the former fiance to Olympian fencer Nam Hyun-hee, in an interview with Channel A, a broadcaster, that was aired on Monday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Jeon Cheong-jo, the ex-fiance of Olympian and medalist Nam Hyun-hee, has claimed that Nam was aware of her gender identity as early as February.  
She also claimed Nam suggested that she get a breast resection operation.  

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The 27-year-old Jeon, who has posed as the scion to the hotel and casino conglomerate Paradise Group, said that the Olympian had already acknowledged her true identity during an interview with Channel A on Monday.  
“Even as I attempted to maintain the façade of being a third-generation scion of a conglomerate by hiring actors to pose as journalists [and ask me related questions], she quickly discerned my true identity after looking at my smartphone,” Jeon said. “I eventually confessed everything.”  
Jeon, however, denied a claim made by Nam in an earlier interview that she carried two ID cards, one registered as a man and another as a woman.  
‘I have never forged an ID,” Jeon said. “According to the law, I am still a legally recognized as a woman, and I have not undergone gender reassignment surgery.”  
However, Jeon said she was taking hormone shots in her transition to becoming a man.  
Jeon argued that it was Nam who suggested she undergo a breast resection operation in July.  
“Nam said that my identity as a woman would easily be noticed by others because of my breast,” Jeon said. “I decided to undergo the operation because I was truly in love with Nam.”  
Jeon denied claims made by Nam in interviews that she gave her fake pregnancy test kits.  
“I only handed over the kits that were given to me by the bodyguards,” Jeon said.  
Jeon said Nam’s pregnancy tests were positive.  
She added that the three of them including the bodyguard went to the hospital only to be told that Nam had a miscarriage attributed to Nam’s age.  
When the Channel A interviewer mentioned the biological impossibility of Jeon impregnating Nam, Jeon responded, “That’s a puzzle to me as well.”
She then said, “But why does that matter? Whose child it is doesn't concern me, as my love for Nam Hyun-hee is genuine.”
Olympian Nam Hyun-hee appears on a CBS radio show on Monday where she said she believed Jeon Cheong-jo that implanted testicles could reproduce. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Olympian Nam Hyun-hee appears on a CBS radio show on Monday where she said she believed Jeon Cheong-jo that implanted testicles could reproduce. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

During a radio show appearance earlier in the day, the Olympian said she believed Jeon’s argument that she got pregnant because Jeon got a testicle implant.  
According to Nam, Jeon had informed her that the testicles used were donated by another son of the Paradise Group, who was kept from the public due to disabilities.  
Jeon said that the ill-gotten funds from the fraudulent schemes were used mostly on Nam, including paying off her debt, credit card spending, luxury goods purchases and providing for Nam’s daughter and mother.  
Jeon also admitted that she isn't an illegitimate child from a wealthy lineage. 
She said her parents divorced when she was seven and lived with her mother and grandmother.  
Jeon said that while she is “prepared to accept most of the punishment,” she also said that the majority of the proceeds from the fraud were “used by Nam.”  
“I will tell everything during the police investigation,” Jeon said. “I have no intention to avoid the investigation and will be forthcoming in my cooperation.”  

BY LEE HO-JEONG [lee.hojeong@joongang.co.kr]
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