GS Holdings sees 24.9% increase in Q3 net profit

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GS Holdings sees 24.9% increase in Q3 net profit

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GS Holdings logged 700 billion won ($536.6 million) in net profit for the third quarter, up 24.9 percent from a year earlier. [GS HOLDINGS]

GS Holdings logged 700 billion won ($536.6 million) in net profit for the third quarter, up 24.9 percent from a year earlier. [GS HOLDINGS]

GS Holdings logged 700 billion won ($536.6 million) in net profit for the third quarter, up 24.9 percent from a year earlier.
The company said in a regulatory filing on Wednesday that it posted 1.21 trillion won in operating profit for the quarter, compared to 1.35 trillion won a year ago. Sales fell 12.4 percent to 6.48 trillion won.

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