Random attacks and copycat threats terrify a nation [REWIND 2023]

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Random attacks and copycat threats terrify a nation [REWIND 2023]

Police officers dispatched to AK Plaza shopping mall in Bundang District, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, on Aug. 3, where the random knifing attack claimed the life of one woman and injured at least a dozen people. One of the injured victim was hospitalized and succumbed to her injuries later in August. [YONHAP]

Police officers dispatched to AK Plaza shopping mall in Bundang District, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, on Aug. 3, where the random knifing attack claimed the life of one woman and injured at least a dozen people. One of the injured victim was hospitalized and succumbed to her injuries later in August. [YONHAP]

A series of random knife attacks and brass-knuckle assaults this summer, followed by hundreds of threats to do the same, shocked a nation once believed to have one of the highest standards of public security.
The first of these attacks occurred outside Sillim Station in Gwanak District of southern Seoul on July 21. Jo Seon, a 33-year-old male, stabbed a complete stranger 13 times, killing him. Three other people were stabbed but survived the attacks.
When police caught him, Jo said he committed the crime out of anger and wanted others to feel as miserable as him. Prosecutors indicted Jo for murder and attempted murder in August.
Within two weeks of the attack, another random stabbing rampage took place in Bundang District of Seongnam, Gyeonggi. Choi Won-jong, 22, drove a car onto a sidewalk, ramming pedestrians near Seohyeon Station, before stabbing people inside the AK Plaza shopping mall on Aug. 3.
He is accused of killing two women and injuring 13 other people. One of the women was in her 60s and walking with her husband when she was hit by Choi’s car. Another was a 20-year-old who was also struck by the vehicle. Prosecutors indicted Choi with murder and attempted murder on Aug. 29.
Choi, believed to suffer from bipolar disorder, claimed to be a victim of stalking for several years.
Before August was over, another gruesome attack took place in Sillim-dong. A 30-year-old man, Choi Yoon-jong, allegedly assaulted a woman — a complete stranger — on a hiking trail in Sillim-dong in broad daylight on Aug. 17.
He was allegedly wearing brass knuckles on both hands and beat her unconscious before trying to rape her.
A passerby called the police after hearing the woman scream. The police arrested Choi on the spot. The victim was hospitalized but succumbed to her injuries later that day. Local media reported she was an elementary school teacher heading to her school to attend a training session for teaching staff.
Choi was indicted for rape and murder in September.
Police revealed the identities of all three individuals because of the heinousness of their crimes.
Sowing further fear were hundreds of online threats to go on similar rampages — more than 300 in August alone. Police detected at least 315 such threats and arrested 119 perpetrators by Aug. 11.

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BY ESTHER CHUNG [chung.juhee@joongang.co.kr]
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