Gangneung Arts Center hosts national ballet, orchestra in duet to Youth Olympics

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Gangneung Arts Center hosts national ballet, orchestra in duet to Youth Olympics

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A local orchestra recital comprised of teenagers who reside in Gangneung, called the Dream of Orchestra Gangneung, kicked off Saturday at the Gangneung Arts Center, following with a joint performance with the Gangneung Angels choir. [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM]

A local orchestra recital comprised of teenagers who reside in Gangneung, called the Dream of Orchestra Gangneung, kicked off Saturday at the Gangneung Arts Center, following with a joint performance with the Gangneung Angels choir. [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM]

A variety of performances are taking place at the Gangneung Arts Center in Gangwon as part of the festivities for the ongoing Gangwon 2024 Winter Youth Olympics until Jan. 31, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said Thursday.
Performances include modern dance, opera, traditional dance and ballet.  
A local youth orchestra called the Dream of Orchestra Gangneung kicked off the program on Saturday, followed by a joint performance with the Gangneung Angels choir.
On Tuesday, the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company took to the stage with hip-hop dance, along with gugak (traditional Korean music) performances.
On Thursday, the Korean National Symphony Orchestra performs a recital titled “The New Year, New Energy & New Generation" featuring “The Skaters’ Waltz” (1882) by French composer Émile Waldteufel.
Friday will see the National Chorus of Korea sing pop songs and opera as well as gagok (original Korean vocal music).
Saturday continues with the Korea National Opera performing the triumphal scene from the tragic opera “Aida.” 
The School of Korean Traditional Arts at Korea National University of Arts will fill a stage with traditional Korean performances, like a fan dance and taepyeongmu (dance featuring hand and foot movements) on Monday.
The Korean National Ballet will feature at the finale next Wednesday with a classical ballet performance.
“Gangwon 2024 prepared cultural performances to showcase the charm of K-art to the world,” Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yu In-chon said in a press release. “We hope these performances by not only budding artists but also veterans in the arts scene appeal to everyone.”

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