Climate Card era begins

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Climate Card era begins

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Commuters at Seoul Station in central Seoul on Sunday walk past a sign showing that Seoul’s Climate Card, an unlimited transit pass aimed at reducing pollution in the city by encouraging people to use more public transportation, has been implemented since Saturday. The Seoul Metropolitan Government said that around 71,000 people used the Climate Card on the first day of its launch. Commuters can pay around 65,000 won ($48) per month for these passes to use subways, buses and public bicycles without limits. [YONHAP]

Commuters at Seoul Station in central Seoul on Sunday walk past a sign showing that Seoul’s Climate Card, an unlimited transit pass aimed at reducing pollution in the city by encouraging people to use more public transportation, has been implemented since Saturday. The Seoul Metropolitan Government said that around 71,000 people used the Climate Card on the first day of its launch. Commuters can pay around 65,000 won ($48) per month for these passes to use subways, buses and public bicycles without limits. [YONHAP]

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