Vanner and fans connect ahead of first solo concert in April

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Vanner and fans connect ahead of first solo concert in April

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Vanner poses for a photo during a FanTalk 2 interview with Celeb Confirmed in February in Mapo District, western Seoul [CHO YONG-JUN]

Vanner poses for a photo during a FanTalk 2 interview with Celeb Confirmed in February in Mapo District, western Seoul [CHO YONG-JUN]

Vanner and its fans, VVS, both came to an agreement that the group's concert should start with a boom.
“As someone who’s been to other concerts, I know fans love it when the concert starts with a strong beat […] that’s when you can hear the fans go whoa!” Vanner’s Gon said during a recent FanTalk 2 video interview with Celeb Confirmed.

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FanTalk 2, the second season in the FanTalk series, lets K-pop artists and their fans answer the same questions to see how much their responses match.
“Jackpot” and “Purge Day” (2019) were voted as the songs VVS wants to see as the first songs played during Vanner’s solo concert followed by “Skyscraper” (2023) — all tough songs to perform, according to the singers. “Jackpot” is the lead track from the band’s most recent release, “Capture the Flag,” which came out in February.
“It seems like all of the songs that our fans recommended are physically tough to perform,” Hyesung said with a laugh.
“I think our fans’ desire is to really blow up the mood from the very beginning of the concert,” Yeonggwang added.
The five members of Vanner, too, said they would start their concert with “Purge Day."
The quintet is set to hold the band’s first solo concert “The Flag: A to V” at the Yes24 Live Hall in eastern Seoul on April 27 and 28.
“I think we should save the other songs [in ‘Capture the Flag’] and perform them as the concert continues,” Sungkook said. “[Softer songs like] ‘Be My Love’ should be performed when we want to make [our fans emotional].”
The fans, however, showed varied results as to which duo’s performance they wanted to see more.

Sixty-eight percent voted for a powerful performance by Hyesung and Sungkook — the two members born in 1996, while Taehwan and Yeonggwang’s touching performance was chosen by 31.5 percent of the fans. Taehwan is the oldest member of the group, while Yeonggwang is the youngest.

On a more lighthearted note, VVS was also invited to take a guess on Hyesung’s average daily screen time. Some guessed two, three or four hours, while others answered that they expect eight or even “24 hours,” adding that Hyesung “dreams online.”
“The answer might honestly be close to eight hours,” Hyesung said. “But I think the answer nowadays is closer to the one that said ‘not too long these days, because he is busy with album promotion.' I can’t look at my phone for long these days, I would use it in short bursts.”
Instead, the members revealed that Taehwan’s screen time would exceed that of Hyesung's.
“He would watch his phone [all day], and 90 percent of it would be him watching videos of himself,” Gon said. “I feel like that ‘24 hours of screen time’ suits Taehwan more than Hyesung.”
“He would talk to his fans and monitor his fancams right before he falls asleep, that’s some dedication,” Hyesung added. “We should all learn from him.”
Vanner's hidden charms, according to VVS, came down to how the members were so caring about their fans, even though they may not look like that on the outside.
"You might be confused with Sungkook at first glance, but once you try to do some research to learn about him more, he will trap you so you can't not love him from then onward," Gon said.
"Yeonggwang too, you might fall in love with him due to his good looks but you'll soon notice how [playful] he is inside," Hyesung said.
Vanner has had an arduous and rough journey since its debut — the band members famously all had part-time jobs, along with their CEO, to support the band. But with Vanner reaching orbit, both members and the fans were given the opportunity to think about how they want the band to be remembered in the future.
Fans wanted Vanner to be remembered as "the idols who carried the flag of victory,” “inspiring role models,” “kings of live performances,” “supremely talented and amazing live performers, who are also fun,” “one and only” and many more.
“I’m so thankful that our fans express [their love for Vanner] using such meaningful words,” Taehwan said.
“I think getting remembered as the ‘one and only’ means a lot,” said Hyesung. “That’s a description that encapsulates everything.”
To find out more about VANNER, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

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