Defense Ministry launches AI research center

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Defense Ministry launches AI research center

Defense Minister Shin Won-sik, left, is briefed on artificial intelligence-based manned-unmanned teaming systems at the Agency for Defense Development in Daejeon, on Jan. 12. [YONHAP]

Defense Minister Shin Won-sik, left, is briefed on artificial intelligence-based manned-unmanned teaming systems at the Agency for Defense Development in Daejeon, on Jan. 12. [YONHAP]

The Defense Ministry on Monday established a research center aimed at overseeing artificial intelligence (AI) development in the defense sector as part of efforts to introduce advanced technologies to the military.
A founding ceremony for the Defense AI Center took place at the state-run Agency for Defense Development in Daejeon, attended by Defense Minister Shin Won-sik and Science Minister Lee Jong-ho, according to Shin's office.
The research center came as part of South Korea's Defense Innovation 4.0 initiative, which aims to make the military slimmer yet smarter based on artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies.
The center, made up of some 110 civilian and military personnel, will focus on developing technologies related to AI-based manned-unmanned teaming systems and battlefield situational awareness, as well as applying AI technologies in the civilian sector to the military, the ministry said.
Shin and Lee also signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between their ministries to bolster cooperation in key technology sectors that are essential in future battlefields, such as artificial intelligence, semiconductors, space and cyberspace, the ministry said.
Under the MOU, the two sides will push for research and development to foster cooperation between the private sector and the military and utilize civilian and military infrastructure to verify research by universities and state-run institutes, according to the ministry.
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