Defense companies and officials gather for international exhibition at Gyeryongdae military base

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Defense companies and officials gather for international exhibition at Gyeryongdae military base

A K2 tank at Hyundai Rotem Co.'s booth for the Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition held at the Gyeryongdae military headquarters in Gyeryong, South Chungcheong. [HYUNDAI ROTEM]

A K2 tank at Hyundai Rotem Co.'s booth for the Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition held at the Gyeryongdae military headquarters in Gyeryong, South Chungcheong. [HYUNDAI ROTEM]

An international defense exhibition will kick off Wednesday at Korea's military headquarters of Gyeryongdae, bringing together hundreds of defense companies and military officials, its organizers said.
The five-day Korea Army International Defense Industry Exhibition will take place at the headquarters in Gyeryong, some 145 kilometers (90 miles) south of Seoul, joined by 365 companies, such as Hanwha Aerospace, Hyundai Rotem and U.S. defense giant Lockheed Martin.

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Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Park An-su, Lt. Gen. Christopher LaNeve, commander of the U.S. 8th Army, and Pawel Bejda, Poland's deputy defense minister, were set to attend the opening ceremony, according to the organizers.
A total of 46 foreign delegations from 27 countries will take part in the exhibition hosted by the Association of the Republic of Korea Army, a group of retired Army officials.
The exhibition will feature various Korean weapons systems, including the K2 main battle tank, as well as forums, including one on logistics between Korea and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

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