Former DP leader to deliver campaign speech from prison amid cash-for-votes scandal

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Former DP leader to deliver campaign speech from prison amid cash-for-votes scandal

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Former Democratic Party chief Song Young-gil speaks to reporters in front of the Seoul Central District Court in southern Seoul on Dec. 18. [YONHAP]

Former Democratic Party chief Song Young-gil speaks to reporters in front of the Seoul Central District Court in southern Seoul on Dec. 18. [YONHAP]

Song Young-gil, a former Democratic Party (DP) leader embroiled in a cash-for-votes scandal, will deliver his campaign speech from prison.
The Ministry of Justice on Wednesday granted permission for Song to record and broadcast his campaign address for the April 10 general election while incarcerated at the Seoul Detention Center in Gyeonggi, in response to a request made by him.
Song was indicted in January on charges that his allies distributed cash-filled envelopes to 20 lawmakers and other party members to secure his election as DP leader ahead of the party's national convention in May 2021. Prosecutors have deemed his actions a violation of the Political Funds Act.

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While in prison, he has launched a new party called the Sonamoo Party, or "Pine Tree Party," and is running for a parliamentary seat representing Gwangju Seo-B district.  
"The approval was granted after considering relevant laws, advice from the National Election Commission and precedent cases," stated an official from the Justice Ministry.
The Public Official Election Act permits general election candidates to deliver televised and radio addresses during the campaign period to promote their pledges and political perspectives.  
Candidates running for electoral district seats in the National Assembly can air televised and radio-recorded speeches lasting less than 10 minutes, up to two times.
It is not unprecedented for parliamentary candidates to give campaign speeches from correctional facilities.
In 2004, four-time lawmaker Park Joo-sun, who was sentenced 30 months in a prison for bribery, delivered a televised speech from the Seoul Detention Center upon clearance granted by correctional authorities for his campaign to win a seat in the 17th National Assembly.
A Pine Tree Party official stated, "South Jeolla's Election Commission has granted clearance for Song's campaign address at the detention center."   
The Gwangju branch of KBS is scheduled to air Song's speech.
"The broadcaster will film his address at the Seoul Detention Center and broadcast it on Thursday and next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.," the party official said. "Voters can also tune in to his speech on Monday on Gwangju's KBS-1 radio."
Song had requested the court to process his criminal trial without detention. However, the court rejected his request last Friday, citing concerns about potential tampering with evidence.  
Since Tuesday, Song has been on a hunger strike following the court's dismissal of his request. Additionally, he has demonstrated an uncooperative attitude by refusing to attend court proceedings.  
On Wednesday, the chief judge overseeing Song's trial expressed "concern" over his reluctance to participate in the court proceedings. Despite being scheduled to appear in court that day, Song did not comply with the court's order.

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