South Korea raises terror alert for five diplomatic missions over North Korean threat

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South Korea raises terror alert for five diplomatic missions over North Korean threat

North Korean soldiers monitor the Joint Security Area on the inter-Korean border on April 16. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

North Korean soldiers monitor the Joint Security Area on the inter-Korean border on April 16. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

South Korea raised the antiterrorism alert level two notches to the second-highest level, "alert," from the lowest level "attention," for five Korean diplomatic missions abroad on Thursday.
Korea's terror alert system comprises of four levels, and the "alert" level is implemented when there is a high risk of a terrorist attack.  
The revision follows recent reports from South Korean intelligence officials indicating North Korea's attempts to target Korean diplomatic offices.
The announcement came after the Foreign Ministry held a committee meeting on counterterrorism overseen by the National Counter Terrorism Center.  
The ministry reviewed the readiness of diplomatic offices for potential terrorist attacks and discussed necessary measures to safeguard diplomatic buildings and personnel.
The targeted diplomatic offices include South Korean Embassies in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, as well as the South Korean Consulates in Vladivostok and Shenyang.
The government said it will continue to vigilantly monitor terrorist activities abroad to ensure the safety of its embassies, staffers and foreign nationals.

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