LG Electronics CEO visits U.S. for AI recruitment, Microsoft summit

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LG Electronics CEO visits U.S. for AI recruitment, Microsoft summit

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LG Electronics CEO William Cho speaks during a recruiting program held in Cupertino, California on Saturday. [LG ELECTRONICS]

LG Electronics CEO William Cho speaks during a recruiting program held in Cupertino, California on Saturday. [LG ELECTRONICS]

LG Electronics CEO embarked on a U.S. business trip to recruit foreign talent and seek a reevaluation of the company in the face of an AI era. 
William Cho on Saturday held a recruiting program in Cupertino, California, the heart of Silicon Valley and home to top-tier tech talents, inviting some 50 researchers with AI expertise from the Bay Area, Seattle and Los Angeles to discuss the company's future vision and R&D strategy. 
"New possibilities have arisen in AI, cloud and big data, with the emergence of electrification, servitization and digitalization across industries," said Cho at the event. "These new possibilities will serve as a new opportunity for LG Electronics, which have built on core technology and know-hows in diverse fields."
Cho will continue the business trip by meeting institutional investors based in San Francisco to seek a reevaluation of the company, which has been striving to expand its business scope from selling home appliances directly to customers to a business-to-business (B2B) model in automobile, air conditioning and subscription services on internet TV platforms. 
Cho plans to emphasize that even an excellent AI can't do its jobs if it doesn't have an actual point of contact with consumers. 
LG Electronics sell 100 million products, ranging from TVs to refrigerators, annually, the company said.
The Korean electronics company believes that its point of contact with consumers globally is its biggest strength in deploying AI. 
Cho is also participating in the Microsoft CEO summit in Seattle held for four days from Tuesday. The CEO summit is an invitation-only event held privately with heads of global companies around the world. 
He is expected to be joined by Samsung Electronics CEO Kyung Kye-hyun, SK hynix CEO Kwak Noh-jung and SK Telecom CEO Ryu Young-sang.  

BY JIN EUN-SOO [jin.eunsoo@joongang.co.kr]
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