Posco Future M clinches $1.4 billion deal to provide material for EV batteries

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Posco Future M clinches $1.4 billion deal to provide material for EV batteries

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Posco Future M's cathode production plant in Pohang, North Gyeongsang. [POSCO FUTURE M]

Posco Future M's cathode production plant in Pohang, North Gyeongsang. [POSCO FUTURE M]

Posco Future M clinched a 1.85 trillion won ($1.4 billion) battery materials deal with an undisclosed EV battery maker, according to a regulatory filing on Wednesday.
The Korean company said it is supplying high-nickel cathodes for the battery firm, though specific details remain confidential until the deal is finalized.

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Cathode materials are one of the four key ingredients in making EV batteries, the most expensive material that accounts for 40 percent of a battery's cost. 
The deal is equivalent to 38.8 percent of Posco Future M's annual sales last year, which stood at 4.8 trillion won.

BY SARAH CHEA [chea.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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