Trot singer Kim Ho-joong admits he was drunk during hit-and-run

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Trot singer Kim Ho-joong admits he was drunk during hit-and-run

Trot singer Kim Ho-joong admitted on Monday that he was driving under influence when he committed a hit-and-run on May 9. [THINK ENTERTAINMENT]

Trot singer Kim Ho-joong admitted on Monday that he was driving under influence when he committed a hit-and-run on May 9. [THINK ENTERTAINMENT]

Trot singer Kim Ho-joong made his first official apology regarding his drunk hit-and-run allegation, admitting that he was indeed drunk during the collision he was involved in on May 9.
Kim was accused of driving into a taxi on May 9 at 11:49 p.m. in Sinsa-dong, southern Seoul. He drove away after the collision and was allegedly intoxicated.
Kim initially denied being the driver and claimed that his manager was driving the car. About two hours after the accident, Kim's manager turned himself in as the driver. 
It took Kim 17 hours after the accident to turn himself in to the police, but he still contended that he was not drunk while driving the car.
Kim reportedly told the police that he held a glass to his mouth but did not actually drink any alcohol, according to an MBN report last Thursday.
Kim allegedly committed a hit-and-run on another vehicle while driving under the influence on May 9, around 11:40 p.m. in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. [JOONGANG ILBO]

Kim allegedly committed a hit-and-run on another vehicle while driving under the influence on May 9, around 11:40 p.m. in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. [JOONGANG ILBO]

Sunday's apology came 10 days after the accident. 
“I was driving under the influence,” Kim said in a press release. “I am regretting my transgressions and looking back on my actions. I will diligently cooperate with police investigations." 
Kim posted a separate apology post on his online fan club, in which he says "he will live on diligently to repay" his fans' dreams, referring to them as a "family."
Despite strong public criticism, Kim carried on with his concert in Changwon, South Gyeongsang, on May 18 and 19. He was quoted as saying during the performance that "all truths will be revealed" and that "he will bear all the sins and wounds."  
KBS, the host of Kim's upcoming concert "World Union Orchestra Super Classic: Kim Ho-joong and Prima-donna," said Monday that it requested the concert organizer, Dumir, to either replace Kim or have the host's name be removed from the concert's promotion. As it did not hear back from Dumir as of Monday morning, KBS will be taking measures to take its name off the concert.
"World Union Orchestra Super Classic: Kim Ho-joong and Prima-donna" at southern Seoul's KSPO Dome is set to be held on Thursday and Friday. The concert will feature active members of the Vienna Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, New York Philharmonic and Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (RCO). Kim was set to perform with sopranos Aida Garifullina and Larisa Martinez.  

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