Veteran star Song Kang-ho reflects on small screen debut in 'Uncle Samsik' on Disney+

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Veteran star Song Kang-ho reflects on small screen debut in 'Uncle Samsik' on Disney+

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A still from the recently finished Disney+ historical series ″Uncle Samsik″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

A still from the recently finished Disney+ historical series ″Uncle Samsik″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

Song Kang-ho is a veteran Korean actor whose face is widely recognized by most Koreans due to his extensive filmography, known for his leading roles in hit films like “The Drug King” (2018), “A Taxi Driver” (2017),  “The Face Reader” (2013), “The Throne” (2015). He may also be familiar to international audiences for his roles in “Parasite” (2019) and “Snowpiercer” (2013). But even for such a veteran actor, appearing on the small screen every week is something that he isn’t used to.
The 16-episode drama, "Uncle Samsik," directed by Shin Yeon-shick, concluded on June 19. Despite not achieving the anticipated success, as it didn't top the charts internationally, Song said he doesn’t regret making the series.
During an interview Song had with local media outlets on Monday, the 57-year-old actor shared his first-ever television series experience. He said it was an “awkward” one, though his tone of voice seemed like he was saying the opposite. 


"The story is set in the 1960s, which is a familiar setting to most Korean viewers, but a largely unexperienced era for most Disney+ subscribers," said Song, acknowledging that the historical setting might have been a barrier for international viewers. However, he praised director Shin's meticulous approach to the character development and background explanation, even if it resulted in a longer narrative. 
Song said he thinks that such serious and weighty content is necessary, especially with the flood of sensational and superficial content present on various streaming platforms.
The narrative centers around Song’s character, Park Doo-chil, whose nickname is Uncle Samsik. The character has a reputation for ensuring those around him have three meals a day, even during Korea’s challenging post-war era. The name "Samsik" translates to "three meals" in Korean. The series also stars actors Byun Yo-han, Lee Kyoo-hyung, Jin Ki-joo, Seo Hyun-soo, Oh Seung-hoon, Yoo Jae-myung, Joo Jin-mo and Girls’ Generation’s Tiffany Young. 
In the series, Uncle Samsik seems like a hidden hand in the political scene, doing whatever it takes to reach his goal, with some actions even being cruel. But while doing such things, Samsik also shows a soft side, making the character undefinable.   

A still from the recently finished Disney+ historical series ″Uncle Samsik″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

A still from the recently finished Disney+ historical series ″Uncle Samsik″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

Song revealed that he was drawn to the complexity and the mysteriousness of his character, Uncle Samsik. "He is a character whose thoughts are not easily read. He sometimes appears as a villain, yet in other scenes, he displays warmth and sentiment,” Song said, adding that he aimed to maintain the character's depth throughout the series. 
Song addressed potential viewers who might be deterred by the story's political backdrop. He emphasized that the series is fundamentally a “fire-sparking” human story. It depicts the intense interactions and desires of various characters during turbulent times, transcending political narratives.
“There are numerous characters holding different positions within the series,” Song said. 
“Though we live in a prosperous era in Korea, there are still competing desires. Regardless of the series' historical setting, I believe it offers something thought-provoking for everyone,” Song said.
Reflecting on his aspirations, Song added, “I want to be like Uncle Samsik. In the series, Samsik expresses a desire for pizza, symbolizing abundance. Similarly, I dream of connecting and communicating with the audience by embracing new roles and new stories.”
A still from the recently finished Disney+ historical series ″Uncle Samsik″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

A still from the recently finished Disney+ historical series ″Uncle Samsik″ [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]


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