UAE president to make state visit to Seoul next week

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UAE president to make state visit to Seoul next week

President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, left, accompanied by first lady Kim Keon Hee, center, view an honor guard during an official welcome ceremony during their bilateral summit on Jan. 15 in Abu Dhabi. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, left, accompanied by first lady Kim Keon Hee, center, view an honor guard during an official welcome ceremony during their bilateral summit on Jan. 15 in Abu Dhabi. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), will make a state visit to Seoul next week for a bilateral summit to deepen the two countries' strategic partnership, the presidential office announced Wednesday.
His two-day trip next Tuesday and Wednesday will mark the first state visit to the country by a UAE president. The visit comes upon the invitation of President Yoon Suk Yeol.
The two leaders will discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in various sectors, including economic investment, energy, the defense industry and advanced technologies, the presidential office said.  
In January last year, Yoon made a state visit to the UAE, becoming the first foreign leader to do so since President Mohamed was inaugurated in May 2022.  
During this visit, Korea and the UAE agreed to expand their cooperation in nuclear power, energy, defense industry and infrastructure.  
Last October, the UAE president postponed a state visit to Korea due to "unforeseen regional circumstances."

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