Trainee soldier dies two days after fainting during military drill

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Trainee soldier dies two days after fainting during military drill

Korean army soldiers participate in a training in a military base in Gyeonggi on Thursday. [YONHAP]

Korean army soldiers participate in a training in a military base in Gyeonggi on Thursday. [YONHAP]

A trainee soldier died on Saturday, two days after he fainted during a pack drill on Thursday.
According to the Korean Army on Sunday, the soldier who collapsed during military training in Gangwon on Thursday around 5:20 p.m. was pronounced dead on Saturday. Although he was transferred to a hospital for treatment, his condition worsened, the Army said.
The soldier belonged to the 12th Infantry Division based in Inje, Gangwon.
Pack drill refers to military training intended to nurture the spirit and mentality of combatants. In the past, it was often dubbed “physical discipline.” The Korean military no longer officially uses this expression.
According to the JoongAng Ilbo’s report on Monday, six conscripts were ordered to run around the military training ground's tracks carrying full packs of equipment as punishment for talking loudly in their dormitory Wednesday night.
The military authorities and police are “thoroughly investigating whether such training was ordered in due course” by looking into the circumstances under which the training was ordered and the specific types of commands given during the disciplinary actions.
The authorities expressed condolences for the loss and said they will provide support to the bereaved families. 
A press release from the Center of Military Human Rights Korea on Monday wrote that a high-ranking officer allowed the disciplinary action to continue despite a report from the victim’s fellow soldier that the individual in question appeared ill.  
Recently, casualties have occurred in the Korean Army, following a grenade explosion last Tuesday that killed a trainee soldier and injured a platoon commander in Sejong. 
Also, the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials is conducting a probe into military’s internal investigation on the death of Marine Cpl. Chae Su-geun, who drowned during a search and rescue mission last summer, focusing on whether there was an abuse of power.

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