Defense, energy likely to top agenda as UAE president arrives in Seoul for state visit

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Defense, energy likely to top agenda as UAE president arrives in Seoul for state visit

President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan chat as they take a stroll through Changdeok Palace in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan chat as they take a stroll through Changdeok Palace in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan arrived in Seoul on Tuesday for a two-day state visit and bilateral summit with President Yoon Suk Yeol expected to focus on expanding cooperation in the defense and energy sectors.
He is the first UAE president to make a state visit to Korea.  
To honor his arrival, four Korean Air Force F-15 fighter jets escorted the UAE presidential jet after it entered Korea's air defense identification zone, or Kadiz, said Yoon's office.  
Four Korean Air Force F-15 fighter jets escort the United Arab Emirates (UAE) presidential plane as UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan arrives in Seoul for a two-day state visit on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Four Korean Air Force F-15 fighter jets escort the United Arab Emirates (UAE) presidential plane as UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan arrives in Seoul for a two-day state visit on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Mohamed met business leaders upon his arrival in Seoul on Tuesday afternoon.  
Later, Yoon and President Mohamed strolled through Huwon Secret Garden at Changdeok Palace in central Seoul, discussing various topics including Korean culture, said the presidential office in a statement. It was a part of events to promote friendly ties between the two countries. They also watched traditional Korean performances. 
First lady Kim Keon Hee took part in the event.  
They later attended a welcome dinner hosted at the Blue House compound nearby.  
During the banquet, Yoon welcomed the UAE leader's visit to Korea as a state guest expressed that the two countries' "special strategic partnership" will be further developed through this visit, said his office.  
President Mohamed expressed his gratitude to Yoon and his wife for their hospitality and expressed his expectations for his remaining schedule and outcome of his visit to Seoul.  
President Yoon Suk Yeol, center, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, right, take a stroll through Changdeok Palace in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, center, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, right, take a stroll through Changdeok Palace in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

On Wednesday, Yoon will host an official welcome ceremony to greet the UAE delegation, including an honor guard and some 500 personnel linked to Korea's Ahk unit.  
Korea has deployed the Ahk unit to the UAE since early 2011 to help train the Middle East nation's special forces and conduct joint military drills.  
The ceremony will also feature an air show by the Korean Air Force's Black Eagles acrobatic team.  
The two leaders will hold a bilateral summit to discuss further cooperation, following up on their meeting in UAE in early 2023. They are also expected to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in four key areas, including nuclear cooperation, energy, investment and the defense industry.  

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The summit talks will be followed by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signing ceremony and a state luncheon.
In January 2023, Yoon made a state visit to the UAE, the first such trip by a Korean president since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1980. Yoon was also the first foreign leader to make such a state visit since President Mohamed was inaugurated in May 2022.  
Yoon's presidential jet was also escorted by UAE fighter jets upon his arrival in the country.  
President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan shakes hands at the Blue House in central Seoul ahead of a state dinner on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan shakes hands at the Blue House in central Seoul ahead of a state dinner on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

During Yoon's visit, the UAE announced plans to invest $30 billion in Korea, and the two countries agreed to expand their cooperation in nuclear power, energy, the defense industry and infrastructure.  
Last October, the UAE president postponed a state visit to Korea due to "unforeseen regional circumstances." This postponement came as tensions in the Middle East flared due to the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups.    
Presidential officials said the UAE president's visit to Seoul is expected to give new momentum to the Middle East boom.

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