Gov't to turn up the heat on support for kimchi exports amid global popularity

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Gov't to turn up the heat on support for kimchi exports amid global popularity

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Song Mi-ryeong, fifth from left, and representatives from six kimchi producers at Museum Kimchikan in Jongno District, central Seoul [AGRICULTURE MINSITRY]

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Song Mi-ryeong, fifth from left, and representatives from six kimchi producers at Museum Kimchikan in Jongno District, central Seoul [AGRICULTURE MINSITRY]

The government has promised to further boost exports of kimchi amid growing popularity worldwide thanks to the increasing recognition of its health benefits and the rising influence of Korean culture.
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Song Mi-ryeong discussed ways to expand kimchi exports with six food companies — Pulmuone, Daesang, CJ CheilJedang, Iikim, Lou et Lang, and Open Sauce Lab — at Museum Kimchikan in Jongno District, central Seoul on Thursday.
According to the ministry, Korea exported around $67.3 million-worth of kimchi from January to May 25 this year, up 5.5 percent from the same period last year.
The upsurge was attributed to the increasing global awareness of kimchi as a superfood as well as the rising popularity of Korean cuisine thanks to the global popularity of Hallyu, or the Korean Wave.
Korea exported kimchi to 93 countries as of 2023, with the United States and Europe accounting for a significant share. Just a decade ago, Japan used to be a primary importer.
The popularity has led major global retailers like Costco and Walmart to start selling kimchi products, while local cuisines have begun to incorporate various kimchi-related products, such as kimchi sauce and freeze-dried kimchi blocks.
The companies expressed their ambitions to continue expanding into global markets by launching products tailored to local consumer tastes and enhancing kimchi quality through technological advancements.
The government, in response, vowed to help the kimchi producers. It will help establish cold storage facilities to ensure a stable raw material supply, ramp up domestic and overseas cold chain systems for stringent kimchi quality control, and pursue international buyers to enter untapped markets.
A cold chain refers to a handling and distribution system that maintains the product at a consistent, appropriate temperature throughout the supply chain — from production to storage, transportation and distribution — to preserve the quality and safety of perishable food products.
The government will actively support the companies to maintain and enhance export competitiveness, the food minister said, urging the companies to strive to diversify kimchi products and further boost exports.
Museum Kimchikan, run by Pulmuone since its establishment in 1986, showcases various types of kimchi as well as the side dish's history and fermentation process.
Its kimchi-making program for children and foreigners is one of the most popular experiences, playing a significant role in promoting the food to an international audience.

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