SNU digital sex crime perpetrator admits to certain charges in trial

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SNU digital sex crime perpetrator admits to certain charges in trial

The screen capture of a video shows Park, the main perpetrator in the recent digital sex crimes involving Seoul National University alumni, being arrested. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN POLICE]

The screen capture of a video shows Park, the main perpetrator in the recent digital sex crimes involving Seoul National University alumni, being arrested. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN POLICE]

The main perpetrator in the recent digital sex crimes involving Seoul National University (SNU) alumni has admitted to certain charges during his trial.
Late last month, two SNU graduates were charged with creating and distributing sexually explicit content involving dozens of SNU alumni in Telegram group chats since 2017.
The Seoul Central District Court, presided over by Chief Judge Park Joon-seok, held the first trial for Park, a man in his 40s, who was charged with violating the Punishment of Sexual Crimes Act by editing and distributing fake videos.  

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Park’s lawyer acknowledged the facts related to the charges of posting and sending deepfake synthetic media content but denied the charge of possessing exploitative child material.
The lawyer argued that recognizing the distribution acts as a possession crime is unreasonable.
The lawyer also claimed that Park did not personally know the victims in the videos. However, when the court specified individuals and asked again, the lawyer admitted to Park knowing some of them.
The lawyer then said he would present documents detailing how Park knew each victim, as most of the victims suffered because they were his acquaintances.
Park, dressed in a green-colored prison uniform, trembled and shortly answered “yes” when the court asked if he agreed with the lawyer’s statement.  
He trembled and sobbed throughout the session and covered his face as the judge read out his charges.
Multiple investigations into the case revealed the production of over 100 pieces of content and the distribution of some 170 materials, with over 60 female victims, including 12 SNU alumni.  
According to police, Park and his accomplice Kang, who is in his 30s, edited graduation photos or social media profile pictures of younger SNU students to make pornographic materials between July 2021 and April of this year.  
Park distributed pornographic materials by sending links to the Telegram chat groups, having created around 20 group chats.
Park is additionally charged with violating the Juvenile Protection Act after minors were identified among the victims.
Authorities plan to file additional charges soon.

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