Yoon honors veterans and fallen soldiers at Memorial Day luncheon

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Yoon honors veterans and fallen soldiers at Memorial Day luncheon

President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, shakes hands with Gen. Son Hee-won, chairman of the Korean War Veterans Association, during a Memorial Day luncheon to honor veterans and families of fallen soldiers at the Blue House in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Thursday afternoon. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, shakes hands with Gen. Son Hee-won, chairman of the Korean War Veterans Association, during a Memorial Day luncheon to honor veterans and families of fallen soldiers at the Blue House in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Thursday afternoon. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, shakes hands with Gen. Son Hee-won, chairman of the Korean War Veterans Association, during a Memorial Day luncheon to honor veterans and families of fallen soldiers at the Blue House in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Thursday afternoon. 

BY MICHAEL LEE [lee.junhyuk@joongang.co.kr]
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