Demand for smaller watermelons, single-person households rise together

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Demand for smaller watermelons, single-person households rise together

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A man browses watermelons on display at a hypermarket in Seoul on Sunday. Demand for big watermelons that weigh over six kilograms (13 pounds) are constantly popular, while mini or pre-cut watermelons have begun to rise in popularity due to the increasing population of single households. [YONHAP]

A man browses watermelons on display at a hypermarket in Seoul on Sunday. Demand for big watermelons that weigh over six kilograms (13 pounds) are constantly popular, while mini or pre-cut watermelons have begun to rise in popularity due to the increasing population of single households. [YONHAP]

A man browses watermelons on display at a hypermarket in Seoul on Sunday.
Demand for big watermelons that weigh over six kilograms (13 pounds) are constantly popular, while mini or pre-cut watermelons have begun to rise in popularity due to the increasing population of single households. 

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