Super-charged Lee Kang-in strikes again to put Korea ahead of China

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Super-charged Lee Kang-in strikes again to put Korea ahead of China

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Lee Kang-in, center, celebrates with Son Heung-min after scoring against China at Seoul World Cup Stadium in western Seoul on Tuesday.  [NEWS1]

Lee Kang-in, center, celebrates with Son Heung-min after scoring against China at Seoul World Cup Stadium in western Seoul on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Paris Saint-Germain's Lee Kang-in picked up his third goal in two games for Korea on Tuesday, starting and finishing a decisive play to give the Taeguk Warriors the lead early in the second half at Seoul World Cup Stadium in western Seoul.

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Lee picked out Son Heung-min in the 61st minute, finding the captain in a rare gap in the pressing Chinese defense. Son was quickly pushed down the side of the box, but managed to slot the ball across the goal mouth, past the feet of Joo Min-kyu and just behind Hwang In-beom.
The ball did not stay loose for long, as Lee sprinted into the box to finish what he'd started and fire the ball into the bottom right corner.
As of press time, Korea are still up 1-0.
Lee scored two goals last week as Korea beat Singapore 7-0. 

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