SK Telecom launches AI-powered advertising platform with U.S. startup Moloco

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SK Telecom launches AI-powered advertising platform with U.S. startup Moloco

SK Telecom’s employees operate ASUM 2.0. [YONHAP]

SK Telecom’s employees operate ASUM 2.0. [YONHAP]

SK Telecom’s employees are operating ASUM 2.0.
SK Telecom said Monday that it would launch the AI-based advertising platform ASUM 2.0 in partnership with U.S. machine learning company Moloco. 
ASUM is a personalized targeted advertising platform leveraging SK Telecom’s services, including T Phone, T Membership, PASS and telecommunications data. Its predecessor, ASUM 1.0, was announced in 2021.
Moloco, a Korean-founded startup based in Silicon Valley, uses machine learning and AI to help companies efficiently carry out advertisements.

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