Visa application to become easier, mobile apps to add more languages: Government

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Visa application to become easier, mobile apps to add more languages: Government

The Incheon International Airport filled with travelers on June 5 [YONHAP]

The Incheon International Airport filled with travelers on June 5 [YONHAP]

The government will strive to make it easier for foreigners to enter Korea, apply for visas and travel around the country, especially when using public transportation.
The government released a proposal to boost inbound tourism as part of the economic ministerial meeting held Monday morning in Sejong. Minister of Economy and Finance Choi Sang-mok, also the vice Prime Minister, headed the meeting attended by ministers and vice ministers from eight government ministries including the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy as well as officials from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Public Procurement Service.

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The recovery plan will focus on prolonging visitors’ stay in Korea and encouraging spending in the domestic market. The number of inbound tourists has risen with the end of the Covid-19 pandemic but revenues have been seeing a slower recovery, mostly because tourists have shifted their main focus from shopping to cultural experiences, added to the fact that people now prefer to travel in smaller groups than before, according to the culture ministry.
Plans mainly include streamlining the entry and visa application process for non-Koreans coming to the country both by airplanes and cruise ships, making it easier for foreigners to use public transportation services around the country, improving mobile apps that are essential for traveling and hosting various foreigner-friendly events.
The government will increase the number of officials related to visa issuance and expand existing visa application centers. The Korea Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA), which allows group travelers to file their entry forms before entering the country, will include a more diverse type of travelers and start services in a wider range of languages.
Tourists get off from the Celebrity Millenium cruise ship on May 22 in Busan. [NEWS1]

Tourists get off from the Celebrity Millenium cruise ship on May 22 in Busan. [NEWS1]

The Cheonggyecheon Stream on June 11 in central Seoul [NEWS1]

The Cheonggyecheon Stream on June 11 in central Seoul [NEWS1]

The K-culture training visa will start running this year to allow foreigners to receive training in culture sectors, namely K-pop. The government will review implementing a new visa, tentatively dubbed the digital nomad visa, to allow people to travel around while working remotely for another country. Key participants of major exhibitions or conferences will get privileges in their entry process and the government will fund event organizers that operate a tourism program to run along with the main event.
The luggage delivery service that carries travelers’ packages from KTX train stations to their hotels — which is currently available in nine stations including Seoul and Busan — will become available in 16 stations across the country and the “Easy Drop” service, which allows travelers to check in their bags to airports from facilities outside of the airport, will also start in more regions. 
A welcome kit will be given to tourists traveling under the transit tourism program, through which travelers can enter the country without a visa for 72 hours, including an adapter and a portable charger.
Tourists at central Seoul's Gyeongbok Palace wearing Korean traditional dress hanbok on June 13. [YONHAP]

Tourists at central Seoul's Gyeongbok Palace wearing Korean traditional dress hanbok on June 13. [YONHAP]

Tourists enjoy free beer and dakgangjeong (glazed chicken nuggets) during the 1883 McGang Party at Sangsang Platform in Jung District, Incheon, on May 25. [NEWS1]

Tourists enjoy free beer and dakgangjeong (glazed chicken nuggets) during the 1883 McGang Party at Sangsang Platform in Jung District, Incheon, on May 25. [NEWS1]

Existing mobile map apps will start services in English and Chinese to allow tourists to find necessary information in their preferred languages. Travel passes will become available at “reasonable costs,” according to the culture ministry, and tourists will be able to buy a transportation card that can be paid in advance using a foreign credit card inside the airplane.
The government will provide rental car companies with related information on international driver’s licenses to help them make their service more inclusive for foreign users. Online reservation system for SRT and KTX trains will include a wider range of foreign languages and tourists will be able to buy train tickets to 14 stations — increased from the current nine stations — when they purchase their airplane tickets.
Cultural events that introduce the latest trends in Korea will be held across the country. A tourist complex will be newly established including accommodation, leisure and shopping. The government will also help smaller companies promote their products on Korean dramas and films.
The government will discuss easing regulations regarding the E-9 working visa for foreigners for regions popular tourist destination regions to allow local restaurants to employ more foreigners. More translators for languages spoken by smaller groups of people in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia will be trained by the government and the regional government will conduct thorough inspections of local events, especially against any rip-off prices on foreigners.

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