Samsung Biologics introduces corporate culture vision

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Samsung Biologics introduces corporate culture vision

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Samsung Biologics held a declaration ceremony for its new corporate culture vision, dubbed the Samsung Biologics Way, at its headquarters in Incheon on Thursday with CEO John Rim, center, in attendance. [SAMSUNG BIOLOGICS]

Samsung Biologics held a declaration ceremony for its new corporate culture vision, dubbed the Samsung Biologics Way, at its headquarters in Incheon on Thursday with CEO John Rim, center, in attendance. [SAMSUNG BIOLOGICS]

Samsung Biologics pledged to innovate its corporate culture in a bid to sharpen its competitive edge in the global market, the biopharmaceutical contract manufacturer said Thursday.
The company held a declaration ceremony for its new corporate culture vision, named the “Samsung Biologics Way,” with an emphasis on mutual respect, transparent communication and shared responsibility at its headquarters in Incheon in conjunction with the company’s labor union.
The contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), founded in 2011, aims to foster a “unique and innovative” corporate culture amid accelerating global competition.
The Samsung Biologics Way initiative was established after three months of discussion by a task force dedicated to the project, consisting of both management and labor union members of the CDMO. The company said that it conducted a survey on hundreds of employees, held a workshop event and interviewed human rights experts to gather feedback.
“Creating a positive corporate culture is not just the right thing to do, but essential for business success and client satisfaction,” said Samsung Biologics CEO John Rim.
“I will be at the forefront of efforts to foster a mature and inclusive culture, where employees can grow and find value.”
Samsung Biologics has clinched orders worth 1.12 trillion won ($809 million) so far this year, with a $223 million contract with Baxter Healthcare in the United States announced on Wednesday.

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