Police investigate leak of court, prosecution, police officials' personal information

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Police investigate leak of court, prosecution, police officials' personal information

  • 기자 사진
Headquarters of the National Policy Agency in Seoul [NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY]

Headquarters of the National Policy Agency in Seoul [NATIONAL POLICE AGENCY]

Police have launched a preliminary investigation into the leaking of personal information of court, prosecution and police officials online, authorities said Thursday.
The National Police Agency opened an internal investigation last month after the private information of dozens of officials at courts, prosecution offices and the police agency was shared by an individual with the username "Warfare" on an overseas website frequented by hackers in March.
Police plan to make the preliminary investigation official after collecting more details.
The leaked information included the names as well as what appeared to be the intranet accounts and passwords of 40 officials, reportedly including a senior judge, the police said.
In April, an individual with the same username also uploaded similar information of dozens of people assumed to be employees of Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor.
The user claimed that the information was collected through hacking, commenting, "Remember, North Korea is better."
A police official said that so far, no signs of North Korean involvement have been confirmed, and no hacking has been detected in the intranets of the court and the police agency.
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