DP's Kim Jun-hyuk sues Ewha alumni group and foundation for defamation

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DP's Kim Jun-hyuk sues Ewha alumni group and foundation for defamation

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Kim Jun-hyuk, a lawmaker representing Gyeonggi's Suwon-D electoral district, waves to the public after his win at the April 10 general election on April 11 in Suwon, Gyeonggi. [YONHAP]

Kim Jun-hyuk, a lawmaker representing Gyeonggi's Suwon-D electoral district, waves to the public after his win at the April 10 general election on April 11 in Suwon, Gyeonggi. [YONHAP]

Kim Jun-hyuk, a lawmaker from the liberal Democratic Party (DP), filed a defamation lawsuit on Thursday against an alumni group of Ewha Womans University and the school’s foundation, Ewha Haktang.
Professor-turned-politician Kim filed a complaint with the National Police Agency, countering legal actions taken against him by the alumni group and Ewha Haktang accusing him of defamation.  
The conflict arose after Kim's remarks on a YouTube channel in 2022 resurfaced during the campaign for the April 10 general election. 
In these remarks, he claimed that the university’s first president, Kim Hwal-lan, forced students to provide sexual favors to U.S. soldiers between 1945 and 1948. This sparked controversy among Ewha Womans University alumni and students, prompting the university to officially demand his resignation from the election candidacy.

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Ewha Haktang, which officially lodged a complaint against Kim with the Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police on Tuesday, stated that the lawmaker's "untrue" remarks "tarnished the reputation of the former president and members of the school and insulted women through his misogynistic and distorted view." The bereaved families of Kim Hwal-lan also accused the lawmaker of defaming the deceased on the same day.
The alumni group also filed a defamation charge against the lawmaker with the National Police Agency on Thursday.  
According to Kim’s office, he reported Jang Myeong-soo, chairman of Ewha Haktang’s board, Kim Hei-sook, former president of the university and Kim Sook-hee, an Ewha Womans University graduate and former education minister, accusing them of damaging his reputation by spreading false information and obstructing his duties. 
In a Facebook post written by the lawmaker, he expressed that his political activities are being "obstructed" by multiple reports from Ewha Womans University alumni and individuals claiming to be bereaved families of Kim Hwal-lan. He characterized these reports as "deliberate pressure on investigative authorities and himself."
Kim also questioned the timing and appropriateness of the recent reports against him, noting that there is an ongoing investigation due to reports lodged during the election period.  
The lawmaker said that he would not "compromise with or back down from accusations directed not only at Kim Hwal-lan but also at those who were pro-Japanese or anti-nationalistic." 
Police have received a total of 10 reports against Kim — nine on charges of defamation of the deceased and one related to a violation of the Public Election Act.  

BY LEE SOO-JUNG, HAN JEE-HYE [lee.soojung1@joongang.co.kr]
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