Hana chair discusses ESG with Australian investors, gov't officials

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Hana chair discusses ESG with Australian investors, gov't officials

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Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo, right, and Alex Heath, head of the Climate and Energy Division at Commonwealth Treasury, pose for a photo during Ham's visit to Canberra, Australia, on Friday. [HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo, right, and Alex Heath, head of the Climate and Energy Division at Commonwealth Treasury, pose for a photo during Ham's visit to Canberra, Australia, on Friday. [HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo met with potential investors and government officials in Australia last week to discuss green financing and environmental initiatives.
On Sunday, Hana Financial Group said that Ham took part in investor relations events in Australia from Wednesday to Friday after departing from Hong Kong. It was the first time Ham led investor relations activities in the Oceania region since he took office in March 2022.

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During his visit to Canberra, Ham visited the Australian Commonwealth Treasury on Friday to meet Alex Heath, the head of Climate and Energy Division. Ham and Heath discussed green financing projects and model cases in environmental, social and governance (ESG) management.
Hana Bank’s Sydney branch has been engaging in a range of ESG financing projects, involving green loans, renewable energy investments, sustainability-linked loans and more.
The chairman’s latest visit to the Oceanian country was arranged upon the request of local institutional investors, according to Hana Financial Group. Ham met with Australian investors interested in Korean financial stocks and top officials from Australian financial authorities to introduce the firm’s ESG initiatives in both Korea and Australia, plans to enhance shareholder returns and the government-led corporate value-up program.
“The true meaning of the value-up program lies not merely in driving stock prices, but in enhancing a company’s value by establishing a sustainable business model and increasing shareholder returns, therefore reaching a win-win situation for every market player, including retail investors,” said Ham.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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