Hana Bank opens first Mexican sales branch

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Hana Bank opens first Mexican sales branch

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Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, third from left, Korean Ambassador to Mexico Huh Tae-wan, fourth from left, and Mexican financial regulator CNBV Vice President Jose Ramon Canales Marquez, fifth from left, water cacti to celebrate the opening of a Hana Bank sales branch in Monterrey in northeastern Mexico on Tuesday. [HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, third from left, Korean Ambassador to Mexico Huh Tae-wan, fourth from left, and Mexican financial regulator CNBV Vice President Jose Ramon Canales Marquez, fifth from left, water cacti to celebrate the opening of a Hana Bank sales branch in Monterrey in northeastern Mexico on Tuesday. [HANA FINANCIAL GROUP]

Hana Financial Group opened a Hana Bank branch in Monterrey, Mexico, as its first sales office under its Mexican subsidiary, the bank said Thursday.
The office launched on Tuesday with an opening ceremony attended by Hana Financial Group Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung, Korean Ambassador to Mexico Huh Tae-wan, and Mexican financial regulator CNBV Vice President José Ramón Canales Márquez.
Hana Financial Group said in a news release that it expects the Monterrey office to make Hana Bank’s financial service more accessible for not only Korean companies and customers based in Mexico, but also local customers.
“Hana Financial Group first entered the Mexican market in 2019, and has been committed to diversifying the group’s business portfolio, contributing to the economic progress of Mexico and becoming a development partner for both local communities and customers,” said Lee.
“We expect the Monterrey office, an upgraded communication channel in the northeastern region, to provide unique financial services for local customers with better accessibility and create new growth opportunities.”
In celebration of the launch, Hana donated 200 scientific calculators to students of Villa de las Niñas, an education charity in Chalco, Mexico.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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