Korean Air flight diverted to Incheon due to aircraft defect

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Korean Air flight diverted to Incheon due to aircraft defect

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Korean Air Lines' Boeing 737-8 aircraft takes off from a runway [KOREAN AIR LINES]

Korean Air Lines' Boeing 737-8 aircraft takes off from a runway [KOREAN AIR LINES]

A Korean Air Lines flight heading from Incheon to Taiwan was diverted due to a defect in the aircraft.
The KE189 flight, which was bound for Taichung International Airport in Taiwan, departed Incheon Airport with 125 passengers on board at around 4:45 p.m. on Saturday.
About 50 minutes after departure, a warning appeared about a fault in the pressurization system of the Boeing 737-8 aircraft. An aircraft pressurization system regulates the pressure level inside the aircraft.
The flight landed back at Incheon Airport at 7:38 p.m., about three hours after its initial takeoff.
During the landing process, 15 passengers said that they suffered from hyperventilation or pain in their eardrums, and 13 were sent to a hospital after landing, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation. No major injuries were reported.
The flight resumed on Sunday morning with a different aircraft about 19 hours after the initial departure schedule, according to Korean Air.  
"We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to the passengers on the flight, and we will do our best to minimize any inconvenience [caused by the delay], including providing accommodations,” said a Korean Air spokesperson.
"We are currently investigating the exact cause of the diversion, and plan to put the aircraft under maintenance after an inspection,” the spokesperson added.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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