Tanghulu shops increasingly shut down

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Tanghulu shops increasingly shut down

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A passenger walks by a store selling tanghulu, or skewered fruit coated in a hardened sugar syrup, in Seoul. [YONHAP]

A passenger walks by a store selling tanghulu, or skewered fruit coated in a hardened sugar syrup, in Seoul. [YONHAP]

A passenger walks by a store selling tanghulu, or skewered fruit coated in a hardened sugar syrup, in Seoul.
Tanghulu shops are increasingly closing down, according to data from Korea's Ministry of the Interior and Safety on Monday. A total of 34 shops shut down their business in June so far, for an average of two shops per day. In January, 11 tanghulu shops closed, and in February, March, April and May, 16, 28, 49 and 43 shops closed during those months, respectively.
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