Seoul city gov't to compensate victims of North's trash balloons

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Seoul city gov't to compensate victims of North's trash balloons

A balloon carrying trash, suspected to have been sent from North Korea, lands in the Han River near Jamsil Bridge in southern Seoul on June 9. [JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF]

A balloon carrying trash, suspected to have been sent from North Korea, lands in the Han River near Jamsil Bridge in southern Seoul on June 9. [JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF]

Seoul will offer compensation for damages caused by the recent trash balloons sent by North Korea. 
The Seoul Metropolitan Government on Tuesday said that its civil defense division would receive reports on damages caused by the North’s trash balloon launches through July 10 and offer compensation after inspections. 

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Ten damage reports were filed with the city government between June 11 and 3 p.m. on June 20, including reports of broken car windows and damaged rooftops. No casualties have been reported so far.
Currently, there are no support measures for damages caused by trash balloons, though the conservative People Power Party has proposed amending the Framework Act on Civil Defense to compensate victims. 
Those who have suffered damage from the waste balloons must submit an application and proof, such as receipts. Compensation payments will be made before Aug. 9. The required documents can be downloaded from the city government’s website.
The city government pledged to "promptly devise guidelines and support those who have suffered damages,” asking Seoulites to report any further damages to its division immediately.
The North has been sending trash-filled balloons to the South since late May in retaliation for what Pyongyang claims were activists flying anti-North Korea leaflets across the border. North Korea launched its fifth wave of trash balloons into the South this year on Monday night.
Around 100 balloons have been found in Seoul and Gyeonggi as of 9 a.m. on Tuesday, according to the city government and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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