North Korea sends more trash balloons to South: JCS

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North Korea sends more trash balloons to South: JCS

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A waste balloon launched by North Korea is seen landing on a street in Incheon on June 2. [YONHAP]

A waste balloon launched by North Korea is seen landing on a street in Incheon on June 2. [YONHAP]

North Korea launched another round of waste balloons across the border toward South Korea, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) announced late Monday.
The JCS said the balloons appear to be moving in a southeastern direction from the northern part of Gyeonggi. The military advised the public to refrain from touching fallen balloons and report them to authorities.

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North Korea launched over 1,000 balloons in four rounds from late May to early June.
The Ministry of Unification said Monday that parasites were discovered in the balloons Pyongyang sent across the border.
Kim Yo-jung, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, hinted on Friday that her country could launch more balloons after North Korean defectors in South Korea sent anti-Pyongyang leaflets toward the North.

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