Genesis BBQ fires up Times Square with free samples of 'K-chicken'

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Genesis BBQ fires up Times Square with free samples of 'K-chicken'

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A booth for Genesis BBQ's "One Bite to Korea" campaign held in New York's Times Square on Monday in collaboration with the Korea Tourism Organization bustles with visitors. The Korean chicken franchise handed out free samples of its flagship menu item. [GENESIS BBQ]

A booth for Genesis BBQ's "One Bite to Korea" campaign held in New York's Times Square on Monday in collaboration with the Korea Tourism Organization bustles with visitors. The Korean chicken franchise handed out free samples of its flagship menu item. [GENESIS BBQ]

Korean fried chicken franchiser Genesis BBQ gave out free samples in the middle of Times Square in New York along with the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) to spread the taste of "K-chicken."
Genesis BBQ and the New York branch of the tourism organization held the "One Bite to Korea" campaign at Father Duffy Square located in the middle of New York's Times Square on Monday.
It handed out free samples of the wing part of its flagship Golden Fried Chicken and spicy-flavored Secret Chicken items. It also provided 5,000 eco bags for free.
The campaign is part of the KTO's "gastrodiplomacy" — a portmanteau of "gastronomy" and "diplomacy" — project promoting Korean food and culture in the United States.
"It is an honor to participate in a campaign for Korean culture as a representative of a K-chicken brand in the center of New York's Times Square, which stands at the core of the global economy," said a spokesperson of Genesis BBQ in a release.
"We will do our best to promote K-food and K-culture to the world on the back of our success story in New York."

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