Shin Yu-bin to compete for bronze after losing in women's singles semifinals

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Shin Yu-bin to compete for bronze after losing in women's singles semifinals

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Korean table tennis player Shin Yu-bin, right, competes in the women's singles semifinals against China’s Chen Meng at the Paris Olympics at South Paris Arena 4 in Paris on Friday. [NEWS1]

Korean table tennis player Shin Yu-bin, right, competes in the women's singles semifinals against China’s Chen Meng at the Paris Olympics at South Paris Arena 4 in Paris on Friday. [NEWS1]

Korean table tennis player Shin Yu-bin lost 4-0 to China’s Chen Meng in the women’s singles semifinals at the Paris Olympics on Friday, ending Korea’s chance to win its first Olympic gold or silver medal in the event.  

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The match at South Paris Arena in Paris was fairly-matched in the beginning, but Shin lost the first game 11-7.  
Shin bounced back to score three straight points in the early going of the second game, but Chen turned things around to claim the second game 11-6.  
Shin failed to dominate in the third game again, losing 11-7, and going into what could be the last game of the match.  
Single matches are best of seven games. The first person to score 11 points wins a game. If a game score is tied 10-10, the first player to score two straight points wins the game.  
But there was no miracle in the fourth game, Shin losing it 11-7 again for a 4-0 loss.  
Shin will now head to the bronze medal match on Saturday for a second bronze medal at this year’s Olympics, having claimed her first with Lim Jong-hoon in the mixed doubles on Tuesday.  
No Korean player has reached the Olympics final in the women’s singles before. The country has also not won a medal in the event since a bronze by Kim Kyung-ah in 2004.  

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