CU cooks up expansion of 'Ramyeon Libraries' nationwide

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CU cooks up expansion of 'Ramyeon Libraries' nationwide

Customers browse instant noodle products items at CU's ″ramyeon library″ on Jeju Island. [CU]

Customers browse instant noodle products items at CU's ″ramyeon library″ on Jeju Island. [CU]

The convenience store chain CU is set to expand its ramyeon-themed branches across the country, tapping into the growing popularity of instant noodles among both locals and foreigners.
Dubbed the Ramyeon Library, the store boasts a collection of 225 varieties. These branches have been concentrated in Seoul and the surrounding metropolitan area, but CU is now planning to broaden their presence nationwide, without specifying exact numbers.
CU opened its first Ramyeon Library branch in the bustling university neighborhood of Hongdae in Mapo District, western Seoul, last December, stocked with popular packaged and cup options from both domestic and international brands. It also has instant ramyeon cookers and standing counters where customers can enjoy their meals on-site. The branch has sold an average of 500 ramyeon products daily, totaling 120,000 over eight months.

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The original location has become a must-visit spot for foreign tourists, offering a chance to experience Korea's unique "Han River ramyeon culture" in the heart of the city. It has attracted coverage from international media, including Japan's Fuji TV and China's CCTV, and continues to draw visits from both domestic and foreign influencers. Customers from abroad accounted for 68 percent of total sales, significantly outstripping domestic sales. This high proportion of foreign sales is a rare phenomenon for domestic convenience stores.
CU opened its second branch in Jamsil in Songpa District, southern Seoul, last April and has since expanded to Incheon, Jinju in North Gyeongsang and on Jeju Island. The company has been distributing guidelines for opening and operating Ramyeon Libraries to its nationwide franchisees, following proven sales improvement results.
After implementing the guidelines, CU opened three additional branches just last month, focused on tourist locations. The new branches are situated in Yeongjong Island off Incheon, Jeju, and Gimpo, Gyeonggi.
The convenience store chain also aims to increase customer touchpoints for K-food in overseas markets such as Mongolia. The company plans to further expand its ramyeon-focused stores to a wider range of areas both domestically and internationally, enhancing the global reach of K-food.

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