KG Mobility's SUV gets serious makeover with new Actyon model

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KG Mobility's SUV gets serious makeover with new Actyon model

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KG Mobility executives including Chairman Kwak Jea-sun, third from left, pose with the new Actyon during a media event at the company's headquarters in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday. [KG MOBILITY]

KG Mobility executives including Chairman Kwak Jea-sun, third from left, pose with the new Actyon during a media event at the company's headquarters in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday. [KG MOBILITY]

PYEONGTAEK, Gyeonggi — The nostalgic Actyon made an ambiguous comeback, this time with a KG Mobility wing and through a serious makeover.
KG Mobility on Tuesday introduced the Actyon coupe-styled SUV, which was once known as the coupe variation of the Torres.
It’s KG Mobility’s first entirely new vehicle after branding itself from SsangYong Motor after it was acquired by KG two years ago.  
Much resembling the popular Torres SUV, the Actyon carries a sleeker appearance yet a longer and wider body. 
“SsangYong’s Actyon failed to be loved back then, but I’m 100 percent confident that KG’s Actyon will be universally loved by our customers,” KG Mobility Chairman Kwak Jea-sun said during a media event at the company’s headquarters in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday.
“The Actyon, which is the result of the mix of practicality and creativity, symbolizes KG Mobility’s new start and the milestone for new history.”
SsangYong Motor first released Actyon in 2005 as the country’s first coupe-styled SUV. It, however, was discontinued in 2010 as harshly criticized for old-fashioned design and safety issues.
Powered by a 1.5-liter gasoline engine, the Actyon generates up to 170 horsepower and 28.6 kilogram-meters (206.86 pound-feet) of torque.
The fuel economy stands at 11 kilometers per liter (25.9 miles per gallon). It takes 4.8 seconds to go from zero to 100 kilometers per hour (62 miles per hour).
A total of 58,085 prereservations were made, the largest volume for any cars released in KG’s history. Of them, 13,127 orders have been made so far in a week.
“We are in the process of getting certification approvals from Europe to export Actyon,” Kwak said.
KG Mobility recently established a sales subsidiary in Germany in an earnest move to expand overseas sales.
The sticker price of Actyon starts at 33.95 million won ($25,500).
Customer delivery will start next month. 

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