Algal blooms expected to continue growing after warning issued by gov't

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Algal blooms expected to continue growing after warning issued by gov't

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A section of Nakdong River, left, is filled with toxic algae bloom as a joint civil defense drill, simulating a response to water pollution from drone attacks, takes place near Geumho River in Daegu, North Gyeongsang, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

A section of Nakdong River, left, is filled with toxic algae bloom as a joint civil defense drill, simulating a response to water pollution from drone attacks, takes place near Geumho River in Daegu, North Gyeongsang, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

The Environment Ministry on Tuesday said that algal blooms are expected to continue developing in areas under the "alert level" of a green algae warning issued the previous day. 
On Monday, Daecheong Reservoir and Boryeong Reservor in the Geum River basin were placed on alert, marking the first such warning in the country this year.
While the concentration of blue-green algae has decreased slightly since the alert was issued, the ministry warned that extreme heat could lead to further development of algal blooms in these areas.
Paldang Reservoir, a source of drinking water for the greater Seoul area, may also be put under the alert this week as 8,236 cells per millimeter of algae were spotted in the area on Aug. 12. This marks the first time this year that algal blooms have been discovered in the Paldang Lake. 
If an alert is issued, it will be the first one in six years to be issued for the lake.
The ministry assured the public that these algal blooms would not impact the country's drinking water supply.

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