SKT releases passkey system for enterprises that eliminates need for passwords

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SKT releases passkey system for enterprises that eliminates need for passwords

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A model promotes SK Telecom's new passkey authentication system in the format of software as a service (SaaS) for enterprises. [SK TELECOM]

A model promotes SK Telecom's new passkey authentication system in the format of software as a service (SaaS) for enterprises. [SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom has released a passkey authentication system in the format of software as a service (SaaS) for enterprises, the Korean mobile carrier said on Monday.
Passkeys are a global standard technology that enable easy login and user verification using public key cryptography, such as biometrics and pin numbers, instead of a need to remember passwords.
SKT’s SaaS passkey allows businesses to implement the authentication system in various environments such as PCs, smartphones, on the web or through apps.
Once a user registers a passkey for the first time, they can continue to use it seamlessly regardless of device type or changes.
Since there is no password involved, it eliminates the risk of password theft or phishing attacks, enhancing cryptosecurity governance.
Benepia, an employee benefits mall in Korea used by 3,700 companies and organizations, will apply SKT’s SaaS passkey from September to offer a more convenient login system for users.
Companies interested in adopting the passkey can use the guides and application programming interface (API) on SKT’s portal site ( for a demo version.
“The passkey provides users with a safe and convenient login and authentication experience, and it will help companies by reducing customer churn and security resources, thus laying the groundwork for growth,” said SKT’s Oh Se-hyun, vice president and head of Web3 CO, in a statement.

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