Boy band Golden Child to promote with seven members

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Boy band Golden Child to promote with seven members

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Boy band Golden Child in November 2023 [NEWS1]

Boy band Golden Child in November 2023 [NEWS1]

Boy band Golden Child will continue as a seven-member band, its agency Woollim Entertainment said Wednesday.
"We recently renewed our contracts with Lee Jang-jun, Bae Seung-min, Bong Jae-hyun, Kim Dong-hyun and Hong Joo-chan," the agency said.

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The contracts with Tag, Kim Ji-beom, Choi Bo-min ended on Tuesday, according to the agency, and the contracts with Lee Dae-yeol and Y still stand.
"We promise to provide the utmost investment and support for the members' future," Woollim Entertainment said.
Golden Child debuted in August 2017 as the second boy band from Woollim Entertainment since Infinite.

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