Kazakh president touts cooperation with Korea in State of Nation address

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Kazakh president touts cooperation with Korea in State of Nation address

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Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev speaks during a State of the Nation address at the House of the Parliament in Astana on Monday. [EMBASSY OF KAZAKHSTAN]

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev speaks during a State of the Nation address at the House of the Parliament in Astana on Monday. [EMBASSY OF KAZAKHSTAN]

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addressed the widening frontiers of Korean-Kazakh cooperation during his State of the Nation address on Monday, highlighting the results from President Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit to Astana in June.
In the State of the Nation address, Tokayev stressed areas where new opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation between Korea and Kazakhstan could be reached, such as industrial development, infrastructure upgrade, energy sector modernization, better use of artificial intelligence, capacity building and training, and forest restoration.
Regarding Kazakhstan's general foreign policy direction, Tokayev reaffirmed the country’s commitment to a peaceful and balanced approach, stressing that “Kazakhstan convincingly demonstrates its commitment to broad multilateral cooperation in full accordance with the UN Charter.”
Tokayev also announced the upcoming nationwide referendum on Oct. 6 regarding constructing a nuclear power plant.

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“The upcoming referendum will be another manifestation of a broad national dialogue and a vivid example of implementing the concept of a ‘listening state,’” said Tokayev. “By taking such steps, we are forming a new socio-political culture and establishing new standards for making key state decisions.”
During Yoon’s visit to Astana in June, Korea and Kazakhstan agreed to work together to ensure a stable supply chain for critical minerals, enabling cooperation from development to final use. Yoon and Tokayev signed a series of memoranda of understanding (MOU) and agreements, including one specifically on a critical mineral supply chain partnership and another on joint mining for lithium deposits and technology cooperation for rare metals.
In August, Korea’s Trade Ministry announced it would expand its current Free Trade Agreement (FTA) partners to 76 countries, including partnerships with the Global South, such as Kazakhstan.
In Monday’s State of the Nation address, Tokayev also called for continued development of Kazakhstan’s industrial potential, focusing on major petrochemical and gas supply projects.
With its abundant gas and mineral resources, Kazakhstan is also rich in uranium, chromium, titanium and other rare earth metals needed by Korea's semiconductor and battery industries.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]
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