Pianist Yunchan Lim's recordings shortlisted for this year's Gramophone Classical Music Awards

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Pianist Yunchan Lim's recordings shortlisted for this year's Gramophone Classical Music Awards

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Pianist Yunchan Lim [YONHAP]

Pianist Yunchan Lim [YONHAP]

Two of pianist Yunchan Lim’s recordings have been shortlisted for the Gramophone Classical Music Awards this year.
Since being launched in 1977 by the London-based Gramophone magazine, the awards are considered some of the most prestigious in the classical music industry. Winners are judged by music critics and other experts in the field.
Lim’s recordings for Liszt’s “Études d'exécution transcendante, S. 139” and Chopin’s “Études Opp. 10 and 25” are up for competition in the awards’ piano category. Other nominees in the same category include Piotr Anderszewski, Yuja Wang, Steven Osborne and Behzod Abduraimov.
Among the nominees for all 11 categories, one will be named as the Recording of the Year for 2024.
Classical music critic Jeremy Nicholas praised Lim’s Liszt recording as “one of the finest and most compelling performances of the ‘Transcendental Études’ I have ever heard.” Musicologist David Fanning described Lim’s Chopin recording to be “as flexible and feather-light as it is fluent and fiery, as compelling in its sense of structure as in its relishing of detail.”
If Lim wins, he will become the first Korean recipient in the Gramophone Classical Music Awards' piano category. Violinist Kyung Wha Chung is currently the only Korean musician to receive awards, which were in the chamber and concerto categories.
The 2024 Gramophone Classical Music Awards will be announced on Oct. 2.

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]
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