Subsidies distributed ahead of Chuseok festival

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Subsidies distributed ahead of Chuseok festival

Residents receive subsidies at the Duam 3-dong Administration & Welfare Center in Buk District, Gwangju, on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Residents receive subsidies at the Duam 3-dong Administration & Welfare Center in Buk District, Gwangju, on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Residents receive subsidies at the Duam 3-dong Administration & Welfare Center in Buk District, Gwangju, on Wednesday.
The district is providing payments to low-income residents over a four-day period, which began Tuesday, ahead of the Chuseok harvest festival.
The program's goal is to ease the financial burden placed on families by high prices and high interest rates during the holiday season. Those eligible who apply at their jurisdiction's welfare center can receive 100,000 won ($74.65) per person.
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