Korea, Poland discuss economic cooperation as deputy foreign ministers meet in Warsaw

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Korea, Poland discuss economic cooperation as deputy foreign ministers meet in Warsaw

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Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Hee-sang shakes hands with his Polish counterpart, Jacek Tomczak, prior to their meeting in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday (local time). [FOREIGN MINISTRY]

Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Hee-sang shakes hands with his Polish counterpart, Jacek Tomczak, prior to their meeting in Warsaw, Poland, on Tuesday (local time). [FOREIGN MINISTRY]

Korea and Poland have discussed ways to strengthen economic cooperation in various sectors, including the defense industry, Seoul's Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.
During a joint economic committee meeting in Warsaw on Tuesday (local time), Kim Hee-sang, deputy foreign minister for economic affairs, discussed cooperation strategies with his Polish counterpart, Jacek Tomczak, the ministry said in a press release. This meeting marks the sixth of its kind.
In the meeting, Kim emphasized the importance of deepening cooperation between the two countries in sectors that include batteries and defense, and expanding collaborations into areas like energy, infrastructure and Ukraine's reconstruction efforts.
In response, Tomczak expressed hope that high-level exchanges, including the joint economic committee, would continue to strengthen in the future.
Poland is Korea's largest trading partner in central Europe, with bilateral trade growing for six consecutive years, reaching an all-time high of $10.1 billion last year.
Both sides noted the close economic relationship, highlighting the presence of around 390 Korean companies in Poland, which have created 30,000 jobs. Korea's large business presence in Poland is led by Samsung Electronics Co., LG Electronics Inc. and LG Energy Solution Ltd.

BY MICHAEL LEE [lee.junhyuk@joongang.co.kr]
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