Incheon marks 74th anniversary of critical Korean War turning point with speeches, parades and reflection

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Incheon marks 74th anniversary of critical Korean War turning point with speeches, parades and reflection

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From third from left, front row: Marine Corps Commandant Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-hwan, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Yang Yong-mo, Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok and officials applaud during a ceremony commemorating the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing at Inner Harbor Piers 1 and 8 in Jung District, Incheon, on Wednesday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

From third from left, front row: Marine Corps Commandant Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-hwan, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Yang Yong-mo, Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok and officials applaud during a ceremony commemorating the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing at Inner Harbor Piers 1 and 8 in Jung District, Incheon, on Wednesday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

INCHEON — Veterans, military officials and citizens on Wednesday gathered under the scorching sun at Incheon Inner Harbor to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing of Sept. 15, 1950.
“The Incheon landing is a monumental victory in history, where nations from around the world united to protect peace and freedom and to uphold the spirit of justice,” Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok said during his speech at the official ceremony marking the anniversary of the landing, code-named Operation Chromite.

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“Today, we are not here to commemorate war but to remember that day, which became a great legacy, ensuring peace, freedom and prosperity on this land.”
The Incheon landing of Sept. 15, 1950, took place four months after the start of the 1950-53 Korean War, during which 22 countries sent a total of 2.16 million military and medical personnel to aid the South Korean effort. The operation involved some 75,000 United Nations troops and 261 ships from seven navies, forcing the North Korean military to retreat from all of the territory it occupied in the South.
Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok, far left, greets veterans who participated in the Incheon landing during the official ceremony commemorating the 74th anniversary of the military operation at Inner Harbor on Wednesday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok, far left, greets veterans who participated in the Incheon landing during the official ceremony commemorating the 74th anniversary of the military operation at Inner Harbor on Wednesday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

“The success of the Incheon landing was a miracle,” Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun said in his congratulatory speech, which was read by the ministry’s security director, Kim Su-sam.
“The victory was made possible not only by General MacArthur’s bold decision but also by the dedication and courage of the countless heroes who bravely advanced toward the enemy in fierce battlegrounds.”
On the same day, the city unveiled a new structure commemorating General Douglas MacArthur, based on photos of the general during the operation.
This year, the city has celebrated the 74th anniversary of Operation Chromite for nearly a month with commemorative events, expanding the budget for the anniversary more than tenfold to over 2.7 billion won ($2 million).
“I believe it is Incheon’s responsibility to properly understand, commemorate and honor the great history of the Incheon landing, which secured the freedom and peace we enjoy today, and to turn this legacy into future prosperity,” the mayor told reporters after the ceremony.
From third from left: Marine Corps Commandant Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-hwan, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Yang Yong-mo, Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok, Incheon Metropolitan Council Chairman Jeong Hae-gwon  and other participants applaud during a ceremony celebrating the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing at Inner Harbor Piers 1 and 8 on Wednesday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

From third from left: Marine Corps Commandant Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-hwan, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Yang Yong-mo, Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok, Incheon Metropolitan Council Chairman Jeong Hae-gwon and other participants applaud during a ceremony celebrating the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing at Inner Harbor Piers 1 and 8 on Wednesday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

Next year, the metropolitan city plans to expand the event globally, inviting the leaders of eight nations that participated in the Incheon landing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the military operation.
“We will invite heads of state from eight nations and veterans from abroad, which will allow not only Korea but the entire world to understand the great history of the operation,” Yoo said.
During the ceremony, the mayor also announced Incheon’s designation as an "International City of Peace." The designation requires approval from the secretariat of the nongovernmental organization International Cities of Peace.
People wave the Korean national flag, taegeukgi, and greet armored vehicles near Dongincheon Station in Jung District, Incheon, during a parade held on Wednesday to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing. [YONHAP]

People wave the Korean national flag, taegeukgi, and greet armored vehicles near Dongincheon Station in Jung District, Incheon, during a parade held on Wednesday to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Incheon landing. [YONHAP]

Incheon is the fifth city in Korea to receive this designation, following the Gyeonggi cities of Pyeongtaek, Gwangmyeong and Pocheon, as well as Busan.
Following the ceremony, around 3,000 people — including veterans, soldiers and citizens — participated in a 1.4-kilometer street parade featuring armored vehicles and helicopters.  
“Incheon will proudly demonstrate to the world that it continues to uphold the great legacy of peace, freedom and humanity that Operation Chromite sought to protect and that the history of humanity uniting for peace and freedom is proudly remembered in today’s Incheon, a global city of peace," Yoo said.

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