BMW Korea opens EV charging station concept with local consumers in mind

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BMW Korea opens EV charging station concept with local consumers in mind

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BMW Charging Hub, an EV charging station concept exclusive to Korea, has six ultrafast EV chargers and a cafe lounge. It opened its doors on Thursday. [BMW KOREA]

BMW Charging Hub, an EV charging station concept exclusive to Korea, has six ultrafast EV chargers and a cafe lounge. It opened its doors on Thursday. [BMW KOREA]

BMW has transformed an aging gas station in the heart of Seoul into a superfast EV charging station, exemplifying the German luxury automaker's dedication to boosting the EV infrastructure of Korea.
Opening its doors in Jung District, central Seoul, on Thursday, the BMW Charging Hub is a concept exclusive to Korea, with six ultrafast chargers, a cafe to rest in as vehicles get topped up and an exhibit featuring rare BMWs.

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The six EV chargers adopt the Plug & Charge system, eliminating the need to process a payment if cards are registered through an app. [BMW KOREA]

The six EV chargers adopt the Plug & Charge system, eliminating the need to process a payment if cards are registered through an app. [BMW KOREA]

“BMW’s new concept of a charging station built to suit the taste of Korean customers, who are huge cafe-goers, shows the brand’s commitment to improving Korea’s EV ecosystem,” said Kim Nam-kyun, manager of charging infrastructure at BMW Korea during the opening event on Thursday.
BMW spent roughly 10 billion won ($7.5 million) on the station. The chargers and lounge are accessible for all EV owners regardless of their car brands.

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BMW Charging Hub, an EV charging station concept exclusive to Korea, has six ultrafast EV chargers and a cafe lounge. It opened its doors on Thursday. [BMW KOREA]

BMW Charging Hub, an EV charging station concept exclusive to Korea, has six ultrafast EV chargers and a cafe lounge. It opened its doors on Thursday. [BMW KOREA]

The six ultrafast chargers, developed by LG Electronics, support the Plug & Charge system that eliminates the need to process a payment if they register their cards through an app. The system was developed jointly by BMW Korea and Korea Electric Power.  
The chargers can charge an i5 from 10 percent to 80 percent in 30 minutes, according to a BMW Korea spokesperson.
A charging robot is also under development, which will be also on display at the station as soon as possible.
BMW Charging Hub, an EV charging station concept exclusive to Korea, has six ultrafast EV chargers and a cafe lounge. It opened its doors on Thursday. [BMW KOREA]

BMW Charging Hub, an EV charging station concept exclusive to Korea, has six ultrafast EV chargers and a cafe lounge. It opened its doors on Thursday. [BMW KOREA]

The charging station contains various fire protection equipment, an important consideration as Korean customers’ fear of EV fire has been snowballing in the wake of a recent Mercedes-Benz EV explosion in an underground parking garage last month.
The charging area has sprinkler systems as well as thermographic cameras that monitor the heat of cars and chargers in real time.
BMW also plans to install a cooling fire-extinguishing system specifically for the underbody of EVs, where the batteries are mounted.
“The system is expected to be installed by the end of the year,” Kim added.
Under BMW Korea’s Charging Next project, the carmaker plans to install a total of 2,100 chargers across the country. It has set up around 1,600 so far.

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